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會員購物每滿$100即可儲$1VIP points!

十年經營寵物急凍生肉經驗 低溫冷凍存庫 可靠專業運送

購物最低滿$400即可免費送貨 全港九新界偏遠地區都送

Alaska 急凍生肉狗糧 - 幼犬配方(雞,馬,牛)

Alaska 急凍生肉狗糧 - 幼犬配方(雞,馬,牛)



指定分類,親臨門市自取優惠! 每$500減$50



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30% chicken: meaty backs (25%), liver (5%), 25% horse meat, 20% cow heart, 10% salmon bodies, 10% vegetable mix: carrot (3%), spinach (3%), cauliflower (3%), 5% lamb tripe.

A mix of 6 types of animals to familiarise your pup at an early age with many different flavours. A healthy start for each puppy of each race.

How much Alaska Natural Petfood should I feed my dog?
On average one could say;
adult dogs: 20-30 grams of meat per kilo body weight per day.
puppies until 6 months: 40-80 grams meat per kilo body weight per day.
puppies 6-8 months: 30-60 grams meat per kilo body weight per day.
puppies 8-12 months: 20-40 grams meat per kilo body weight per day.
These are only guidelines.

Of course there are exceptions. It is important that you watch how much you feed. The ribs of your dog should be felt quite well, but they should not be visible. If your dog is getting too thin, you have to feed him more. If your dog is getting too fat, you should feed it less. The energy requirement of the dog depends on various factors such as: the weight, the race, the stage of life, the gender, the activity and the health of the dog.

The number of kilo calories present in the feed depends on the percentage of fat, protein and carbohydrates. On the label of each Alaska Natural Petfood variation the total kcal per 100 grams feed is displayed. Make sure that there is plenty of drinking water available.

The Alaska Natural Petfood product products come in two types, the complementary variants without added vitamins and minerals and the complete variants that do contain them. This means that with the complementary variants it is very important to alternate between the different variants. A guideline for this is five different varieties (including fish) per week. Looking for a way to easily feed the right menu? The Alaska Combi boxes are a good solution for this.
We recommend feeding a game variety (Pheasant, Wild Complete) no more than once a week. Meat from wild animals has many advantages and is a useful addition to the menu, however there is also a risk of more heavy metals (from contaminated soil or lead bullets) in the meat of these animals.


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