HICC PET 皇牌產品!每日潔淨之選!
The unique fermented Coconut Oil formula, combined with natural, organic plant-based ingredients, makes this product the perfect choice to clean germs and remove odor. Recommended by veterinarians.
• 快速除臭清潔,免洗免吹
• 清潔同時具備消毒殺菌
• 滋潤乾燥皮膚及毛髮
• 天然植物護理專業配方
• 加大加厚尺寸,柔軟親膚材質
• 獸醫權威推薦
(其他牌子土撥鼠大爺會嬲到追住店主咬 > <)
成分: EDI純化水、發酵椰子油、庫拉索蘆薈葉萃取、洋甘菊萃取物、羊毛脂、山梨酸鉀、乙二醇殼聚醣、溫和椰子香精
EDI Purified water, Fermented coconut oil , Aloe barbadensis leaf extract, Chamomile extract, Lanolin, Potassium sorbate, Glycol chitosan, Mild coconut fragrance.
使用方法: 直接擦拭寵物需要清潔的部位即可 不用過水 自然風乾就可以
1. What are the ingredients of Deodorizing Pet Glove Wipes?
Our Deodorizing Pet Glove Wipes is made from the HICC vet-recommended formula of magical organic 7-day fermented coconut oil essence, and a natural deodorizer that eliminates tough pet odors. Formulated with Chamomile and Aloe Vera, these coconut oil-based pet wipes are excellent moisturizers, and skin conditioners to soothe pet skin and remove dander.
2. How many glove wipes are in one pack?
The Deodorizing Pet Glove Wipes come in a lid-safe package, with 20 gloves in each making them suitable for multi-pet families and at-home usage.
3. Can you use the Pet Deodorizing Glove Wipes after the expiration date? If so, how long after?
We recommend using the Pet Deodorizing Glove Wipes prior to the expiration date marked on the label to utilize maximum effect.
HICC PET 淚痕潔眼紙,含發酵椰子油及豐富維他命B5,維生素C及死海鹽,成份溫和而有效減少淚痕
• 成份天然溫和,可每日使用
• 清潔淚痕等眼部分泌物
• 舒緩眼睛瘙癢、過敏、發炎、感染
• 減輕敏感刺激症狀
• 預防炎症,減少淚痕,日常眼部護理
• 獸醫權威推薦
成分: 發酵椰子油、維生素 C、維生素 B5、透明質酸鈉、庫拉索蘆薈葉萃取物、死海鹽、酪梨萃取、聚山梨醇酯 20、椰子香料、水
眼球是破損後難以逆轉的脆弱重要器官 如果乾眼的分泌物唔好好處理好容易刮花眼球。
從根源杜絕過多眼睛分泌可以配合HICC PET® 寵物溫和抗菌滴眼液 使用 溫和又達到清潔同舒緩嘅效果!
This product can be safely used on both cats and dogs of all ages.
This product currently has only one package. The wipes/bottle for cats and the wipes/bottle for dogs are the same. The ingredient formula works great for both cats and dogs. The design and size of the wipes fit both kitties and puppies.
敏感損傷? 一支解決!
HICC PET 皇帝御用皮膚噴霧含 HOCI 為主要成份,快速修復傷口並減輕疼痛的多功能液,有效舒緩皮膚敏感、發紅及發炎
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) naturally occurs in mammals' white blood cells and is often used in human skincare products. As the primary ingredient in HICC Pet® Spray Solution, HOCl acts as a germ-reducing agent that soothes irritations and offers fast itch relief for your pet while promoting healing.
• 快速修復傷口,減輕疼痛
• 舒緩皮膚敏感、發紅發炎
• 止癢消毒,99.999% 殺菌
• 提升皮膚免疫力
• 獸醫權威推薦
成分 Ingredients
活性成分:次氯酸 (0.01%)
Active: Hypochlorous Acid (0.01%)
Inactive: Deionized Water
1. Is this product for cats or dogs?
This product can be safely used on both cats and dogs of all ages.
2. What are the ingredients included?
The main ingredient in the Skin Care Relief Spray is Hypochlorous Acid (HOCI). HOCI is a natural chemical produced in mammals' white blood cells. It is a non-irritating and non-toxic ingredient that is the best choice for pets with skin issues.
3. Can this be used on any parts of my pet?
The Skin Care Relief Spray is safe for the skin, eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. It is beneficial for pets with hypersensitive skin as well.
4. Will the spray cause pain to my pet?
HICC Pet® spray does not sting or burn and will not cause discomfort for your pet's skin injuries. It helps heal skin tissues for quick recovery.
5. How often can I use the Spray?
Use the Skin Care Relief Spray 3-4 times daily for rapid healing when your pet suffers from skin issues. For best results, use in conjunction with HICC Pet® Glove Wipes for proper cleansing and moisture balance during healing stages.
6. Is it safe if my pet licks it?
The Skin Care Relief Spray is safe if licked or ingested by pets as it contains the simple and natural ingredients of purified water and HOCI. HOCI is FDA-approved for treating wounds and various infections in humans and pets while being non-toxic, safe, and eco-friendly.
7. Does the Spray work on pets with long hair? I am afraid it won't reach the skin well.
For pets with long hair or fur, separate or lift the hair from the affected area. Saturate the wound with the spray and let air dry. Repeat this process 3-4 times daily for the most beneficial results.
8. Can I use the Spray when my pet is pregnant or breastfeeding?
We recommend speaking with your vet if you have any concerns prior to using the spray. Our Skin Care Relief Spray is all-natural and non-toxic, containing only the ingredients of electrolyzed water and HOCl. It is safe for all pet species at any age and stage.
9. Can you use the HICC Pet® Spray after the expiration date? If so, how long after?
We recommend using HICC Pet® Skin Care Relief Spray prior to the expiration date marked on the label to utilize maximum strength.
10. What is the difference between Pet Care Skin Care Spray 3.4 fl oz and Pet Care Skin Care Spray 16 fl oz?
They are the same in ingredients and features.
The Pet Care Skin Care Spray 3.4fl is more suitable for use when going out, but the Pet Care Skin Care Spray 16 fl oz is ideal for multi-pet families and at-home usage.